Political Science, Philosophy, and Economics (B.A.)

  • Major, Minor
  • 4-year, On Campus

Career Opportunities

Backed by their own first-hand ability to research, think critically, make evidence-based arguments, and address political and policy issues, students will be competent and prepared to handle their selected discipline’s field and what comes their way. Our graduates have found themselves in high-level government positions, nonprofits, institutions of higher learning, and more.

Christie Perkins, ’24

Christie Perkins, ’24, is a nursing student with a minor in public health.

Jillian Mele, ’05, MBA ’24

The address will take place during the Graduate Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 11.

Ivy-yon Jackson, ’24

Ivy-yon Jackson, ’24, is a psychology and sociology major with a minor in criminal justice at La Salle.