The Pre-Speech-Language Pathology (PreSLP) program provides post-baccalaureate students with the opportunity to take pre-requisite courses in basic human communication sciences. These courses are often needed to apply to Master’s degree programs in speech-language pathology. This unique program offers eight undergraduate Communication Sciences and Disorders courses that are commonly required by Master’s degree programs. We offer our PreSLP courses both online and on campus, affording students the choice of a flexible schedule.
The PreSLP program consists of courses required for admission to La Salle University’s Master’s program in Speech-Language Pathology. These courses reflect La Salle University’s interpretation of the current Council for Clinical Certification in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CFCC) requirements. However, they are not necessarily the requirements for all graduate programs in Speech-Language Pathology. Individual graduate programs have leeway in how they interpret CFCC guidelines. Students should consult with a representative of the graduate program(s) they are considering for specific information about program admission requirements.
The PreSLP program provides post-baccalaureate students who do not have the necessary background in communication sciences and disorders with the prerequisite courses in basic human communication sciences needed to apply to a master’s degree program in speech-language pathology.
This unique program offers eight undergraduate-level courses commonly recommended or required for graduate school preparation in speech-language pathology. They are offered online, affording students the choice of a flexible schedule.
Students are strongly encouraged to take all PreSLP courses unless their records indicate that they have taken equivalent courses and earned a B or higher in those courses. By completing the PreSLP program, students are better prepared to apply to a graduate program in speech-language pathology. However, entrance into the PreSLP program does not guarantee acceptance into La Salle’s graduate Speech-Language Pathology Program.
Please apply here. When you start an application make sure you click on “Post Baccalaureate Programs.” Once you get to the academic plan portion, you will be able to pick “PreSLP Program” as your plan of study.
Our distinguished faculty have extensive clinical, research, and teaching experience to prepare students with the practical and theoretical knowledge to succeed in their chosen fields.