Choosing a major is a big decision, that for many, requires research to ensure it is an appropriate fit for one’s strengths, goals, and needs. The Career Center offers resources that allow for self-exploration and awareness so that you can move at your own, informed pace.
Focus 2 Self-Assessment
The Focus 2 Self-Assessment is a great first step in exploring a major or career path. At the end of each assessment, you are given a list of career options that match your results. Remember, the results are just career areas to explore. We recommend that you schedule an appointment to speak with a Career Counselor to discuss results and create a plan for next steps.
O*NET Online is a site that was created for the general public to provide broad access to a large database of occupational information. Information on this website is sponsored by the United States Department of Labor.
Once you find a major of interest, this resource dives into the various areas that the major can help you break into. At the bottom, you’ll find several links about the job market(s) within the major, job/internship boards, and professional associations.
*Please note that this website lists majors that La Salle both does AND does not not offer. Permission granted by the University of Tennessee.
Explorer’s Guide and Course Catalog
Check out our own Explorer’s Guide of majors and minors offered here at La Salle! The guide provides information on major/program chairs, career options, and student organizations that you can join related to each major. To continue your research on the majors and minors that La Salle has to offer, check out the course catalog, too.