La Salle embraces diversity, equity and inclusion and desires to recognize all community members as they would like to be recognized. Accordingly, we invite community members to share how they wish to be addressed – by name and pronouns.
What is a chosen name?
A student or employee may choose to designate a chosen name for various reasons. Some of these reasons may include, but are not limited to:
A name that better represents an individual’s gender identity
An appropriate nickname (AJ preferred for Austin Jones)
A middle name instead of first name
An abbreviated name (Beth instead of Elizabeth; Bill instead of William)
A westernized or Americanized name that is either in place of, or a version of, the individual’s native language name
A name to which the individual is in the process of legally changing
Who can use a chosen name?
Anyone can use a chosen name so long as they are not choosing to change their name for purposes of misrepresentation or fraud.
Chosen name vs. Legal name – where will they be displayed?
In most cases (email, Zoom, Canvas, mylasalle Portal) your chosen name will be displayed. To see the specific list of where chosen names can be used versus where legal names must be used, please see our Resource Guide here.
What if my chosen name is inappropriate?
The University reserves the right to deny or remove an individual’s chosen name if it contains inappropriate, profane or offensive language.
How do I update my chosen name?
The Resource Guide and the Knowledge Base both have instructions.
Am I able to edit/change my pronouns in University systems?
In most cases, your pronouns will automatically update once you have updated your profile in Banner.
What pronouns may I use?
Currently, our system can accept He/Him/His, She/Her/Hers, They/Their/Theirs. We realize that there are many pronouns that people use to identify, but for initial implementation, this was the list we were able to accommodate.
Will other pronouns be added?
Over time, as our computer systems can accommodate them – yes.
What if my pronoun is not listed?
If your pronoun is not listed and you chose that option or you do not make a designation, there will be no pronouns listed
Can I manually add my pronouns?
In certain systems you can do that. Please check the Resource Page for guidance.
What happens if someone intentionally misnames or misgenders me?
La Salle community members are expected to be respectful of others chosen name, gender identity and/or gender pronouns. Mislabeling or misgendering often occurs with misuse of gender pronouns or assuming a gender is not consistent with how an individual identifies. Deployments of misnaming, mislabeling, and misgendering can diminish self-respect and cause micro aggressive psychological harm.
Those who intentionally participate in misnaming, mislabeling, or misgendering may be subject to appropriate disciplinary/corrective action under La Salle’s Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policies found here.