The following accessibility accommodations will be available for guests throughout Commencement Weekend:
Accessible accommodations include: persons with physical limitations; those with visual or hearing impairments; those who have difficulty climbing stairs because of knee, leg, or back problems, and elderly persons.
Accessible seating areas will be located on the McCarthy Stadium West Stands track.
All accessible seating requests must be indicated on the student’s 2024 Commencement Weekend Official Student Invitation.
Due to limited seating, a maximum of one family member or guest may be seated in this section with the disabled guest.
Please note that there will not be designated handicap parking throughout weekend, but a designated handicap drop-off area.
McCarthy Stadium Handicap Drop Off Area
20th Street Main Campus Entrance
ADA and Hearing Impaired Access
An American Sign Language interpreter or an oral interpreter will be made available for hearing impaired guests at all Commencement Ceremonies and Baccalaureate Mass. Please contact University Events by phone 215.951.1900 or email by Friday, May 3 to make arrangements if you need an interpreter at any other events.