Your graduation is an accomplishment of which to be proud, and you may want to have it announced in your hometown newspaper.
Experience has shown that graduation news releases are more likely to be used when they are written and mailed by the graduate. If you would like your graduation announced in your hometown newspaper, please follow these instructions for preparing your own graduation news release:
Type out your news release on a separate sheet of white paper.
If you wish to include a photo of yourself, send a black-and-white picture with your name written on the back. Cut out a piece of thin cardboard and place it in the envelope to protect it from damage.
Don’t forget to include your phone number at the top, in case your newspaper has questions.
You may wish to follow the sample format shown below.
From: (Your Name), (Your Phone Number)
Headline: (Name of your hometown) nativegraduates from the La Salle University
(Your name) has graduated from La Salle University with a (specify your degree here) degree in (your major).
(Your name) is the (daughter, son, child) of (names of parents), who live at (your hometown address).
(Your name) is a (year of your high school graduation) graduate of (name of your high school) in (location of your high school).
(Your name) graduated with (mention any honors or distinctions) and was a member of (identify your memberships here).
(Your name) was among approximately 1,000 students who received undergraduate and graduate degrees from La Salle University at La Salle’s 2024 Commencement, held in May on La Salle’s main campus in Philadelphia, Pa.