Classic Cartoons Club Presents “Unhealthy Appetites”
Holroyd Science Center 190Come down to Holroyd Hall Room 190 on Thursday, November 16th to enjoy five cartoons centered around unhealthy appetites from 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm.
Come down to Holroyd Hall Room 190 on Thursday, November 16th to enjoy five cartoons centered around unhealthy appetites from 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm.
Deepher Dude Tabling
Deepher Dude Tabling
Deepher Dude Tabling
Come down to Holroyd Hall Room 190 from 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm to enjoy six Christmas-themed cartoons!
Deepher Dude Tabling
Come with friends and together decorate a paper stocking to hand up in the 3rd floor hallway with RA Cam and RA Koh (Basils 3rd Floor)
Deepher Dude - Talent Show
St. Miguel Holiday Party - Come for hot chocolate, snacks and help decorate the tree!
Holiday Village and Tree Lighting. Crafts, Food and Fun!!!
On the Quad Holiday Pajama Fashion Friday - Holiday Party
Come relax with a message!