To the University community:
Advent and Christmas are extraordinary events each year for Catholics, and all Christians, as we prepare for, and celebrate, the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Advent and the Christmas season are also an appropriate time to reflect upon and give thanks for the blessings of the year. As the fall semester comes to a close, I express my appreciation for your commitment to completing this semester together. Your work in and out of the classroom, your care for each other and your attention to our health and safety plan have made this semester a success.

In solidarity with those in our University community who celebrated Hannukah earlier this month and those who will celebrate Kwanzaa in the days ahead; and with gratitude for each of you, I wish you a blessed Christmas and holiday season with your families and friends.
In these final weeks of 2021, I hope that you are able to take this blessed time in our calendar to rest, recharge, and celebrate. The new year represents an opportunity for new beginnings and I look forward to welcoming you back to campus in January reinvigorated for the journey ahead.
Warmly, and with appreciation,
Tim O’Shaughnessy, ’85
Interim President