Celebrate Black History Month with these on-campus events

January 31, 2025

Honor Black History Month during February with various events and activities.

Black History Month

Check out what’s happening this month to celebrate Black History Month at La Salle University.

Black History Month begins tomorrow and is a time to honor the contributions, tribulations, achievements, and legacy of African Americans that are an enduring part of U.S. history.

The origins of Black History Month date back to 1915 (half a century after the 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.), when Carter G. Woodson and Jesse E. Moorland founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH), an organization dedicated to researching and promoting achievements of Black Americans and other peoples of African descent. Today the organization is known as the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH).

ASALH sponsored a national Negro History week in 1926, choosing the second week in February to coincide with the birthdates of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month in 1976.

This year, the national Black History Month Theme is “African Americans and Labor.” The theme focuses on the various and profound ways that work of all kinds—free and unfree, skilled and unskilled, vocational and voluntary—intersect with the collective experiences of Black people. Indeed, work is at the very center of much of Black history and culture.

As Black History Month begins, there is much to celebrate, but there is also much to be done. Learning about the many individuals who significantly contributed to American society through the arts, social change, politics, education, and various initiatives, is a good way to engage history and grow in appreciation for these contributions.

During the month, La Salle celebrates with the following events:

  • February 3, 4:30‒6:30 p.m. in the Art Museum: The La Salle University Art Museum Galleries will feature works completed by African American artists from the permanent collection, highlighting the impact of these artists as art develops throughout the 20th and 21st century.
  • February 11, 12:30 p.m. in Compass Club: Listen to faculty and staff mentors who help students enrich and navigate their experiences at La Salle.
  • February 13, 5‒9 p.m. in Founders’ Hall Auditorium: In partnership with the Public Health Department, Multi-Cultural Center, AASL, and BxG, La Salle will show the movie “Origin.” The movie is based on the book “Caste,” which highlights the life of author Isabel Wilkerson. The movie highlights the caste systems in three countries.
  • February 21, 8‒9 p.m. in Dan Rodden Theatre: Step Afrika! blends percussive dance styles practiced by historically African American fraternities and sororities, traditional African dances, and an array of contemporary dance and art forms into a cohesive, compelling artistic experience. Performances are much more than dance shows; They integrate songs, storytelling, humor and audience participation. The blend of technique, agility, and pure energy makes each performance unique and leaves the audience with their hearts pounding.

In addition, student organizations are sponsoring the following events:

  • February 6, 5‒7 p.m. in Compass Club: Paint and Sip, sponsored by African American Student League
  • February 18, 6 p.m. in Dan Rodden Theatre: Family Feud, sponsored by African American Student League
  • February 25 (time and location TBA): Afrocentric Fashion Show, sponsored by Students’ Government Association and African Student Association
  • February 26 (time TBA) in Dan Rodden Theatre: Black History Month Town Hall, sponsored by Students’ Government Association 
  • February 27 (time and location TBA): Soul Food & Vibez Night, sponsored by Student Government Association, African American Student League, and African Student Association 
  • February 28 (time and location TBA): Black History Month Trivia, sponsored by Students’ Government Association

In addition, Black History Month events around Philadelphia may be of interest to the La Salle community.