Current students needing to change their address should login to the mylasalle poral and search for “Addresses, Phones, and Emergency Contacts” in the search bar to do so. Students should then click on the tile to open personal information. On this page, students may edit their mailing address as well as their contact information.
Click on the blue pencil icon to edit existing information, the blue trashcan to delete existing information and “Add New” to add new information.
Former students/graduates may change their address by fax, (215) 951-1785, or regular mail sent to:
La Salle University
Box 818
1900 West Olney Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19141
Please include the following information when either faxing or mailing your request:
Allow for 3-5 business days for all corrections.
A student requesting a name change must make an official request in writing along with proof of the change. Please complete the form below and either mail, fax or return it in person to the Office of the University Registrar. You must include proof of the name change in the form of a readable copy of a driver’s license, state ID, Social Security card, court order, passport or marriage license.
Click Here for Name Change Form
Any change, addition, or removal of a Major, Minor, or Concentration requires students to complete the Undergraduate Curriculum Change Form and meet with the Chair/Director of their new major, minor, or concentration.
If you are unsure who is the Chair/Director of a major, minor, or concentration, you can find their contact information under the major in the Academic Catalog. If you are still unsure who to contact, feel free to contact
The Registrar’s Office will forward all Major, Minor, or Concentration requests to the appropriate Chair for approval prior to processing. Please allow 10 business days for any approved update to your academic record.