As an educational institution, La Salle University values and encourages an authentic community in which all members feel secure physically and intellectually. Behavior that harms others or threatens the safety of this community contradicts the institution’s key mission to “contemplate life’s ultimate questions as they develop their faith, engage in a free search for truth, and explore their full human potential.” Sexual misconduct and other instances of crime are such behaviors and are prohibited at La Salle. You have a voice and are encouraged to report any crime or instance of sexual violence that is shared with you to the proper administrators on campus.
9 Things to Know About Title IX
Title IX is a landmark federal civil right that prohibits sex discrimination in education.
Title IX does not apply to female students only.
Schools must be proactive in ensuring that your campus is free of sex discrimination.
Schools must have an established procedure for handling complaints of sexual discrimination, harassment, or violence.
Schools should ensure that a victim doesn’t have to share spaces, such as dorms, classes and campus jobs, with their assailant.
Schools may not retaliate against someone filing a complaint and must keep a complaint-victim safe from other retaliatory harassment or behavior.
Schools can issue a no-contact directive under Title IX to prevent the accused student from approaching or interacting with you.
In cases of sexual violence, schools are prohibited from encouraging or allowing mediation (rather than a formal hearing) of the complaint.
Schools cannot discourage you from continuing your education.
La Salle has two policies directly related to sexual misconduct/Title IX