Tag: Recent News

Florence Ling, Ph.D., will collaborate on finding critical minerals vital to developing renewable energy technology.

Tatiana Guevara, ’22, is studying industrial-organizational psychology.

John Freeman, ’24, continues to grow his passion for journalism through student media and other career opportunities.

As the executive director of the Philadelphia Parking Authority, Rich Lazer, ’07, is working to strengthen the relationship between the agency and its communities.

Lindsay Wagner, ’25, will represent La Salle University in Washington, D.C., during an eight-week academic internship experience.

The scholarship made in Dr. Stow’s honor will be given to a student with strong academic credentials and a demonstrated financial need.

The La Salle graduate is the recipient of the University’s 19th Annual IT Leadership Award.

The 31st annual Charter Dinner on March 21, will recognize Jerry Lezynski, '82, with The Lasallian Leadership Award.

Lisa Abdul-Haqq, DNP, M.A. ’09, MSN ’21, CRNP, FCPP, works tirelessly to help underserved communities navigate the U.S. healthcare system.

Doug Oliver, M.A. ’02, MBA, currently serves as the senior vice president of government, regulatory, and external affairs at the company.